Tuesday 7 December 2010

Mini film storyboards and text.

In this story board you can see the hostage being interrogated, whom then reveals the location of the safe/vault, then is executed by one of the captors, the clip ends with the camera close up of the hostages face as you can see in shot 6.

This storyboard follows on from the first one with the body of the hostage falling to the ground, then the camera cutting to footsteps going up stairs, which in turn cuts to the help desk, in which the gun fight takes place between the captors and the security guards, after the captors have killed the guards, they get a hostage and question him/her about the location of the safe/vault, during shot 12 the captors have found the safe/vault and are getting the combinations of the lock .

This is the 3rd story board which includes a reaction shot of the captors upon opening the safe/vault door which then cut to a point of view shot form the safe, then to a canted angle where a wounded guard pushes the silent alarm button, immediately after this the captor sees the guard on the way out and executes him, this hen leads into an establishing shot of the empty room, then to the close up shot of the two captors saying "Hurry up" in shot 18 .

Here only two shots are visible, as these are the last two shots in the film, the first shot being of the safe/vault door closing from a point of view shot. which leads straight into blackness as the door of the safe/vault is closed, the audience will then (hopefully) hear the captors going back down the stairs, whilst the audience can only hear rather than see making them use their sense of hearing rather than the sense of sight, I believe that this will also keep the audience in a state of suspense as they are left wondering what has happened and what will happen.

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