Wednesday 20 October 2010

match on action

an example would be a door opening scene, when one shot would be the hand going for the handle, which then goes straight to the scene when the character walking into/out of the room, in other words it makes the shots flow. Another example would be where we did the phone call exercise, we had to make the conversation between the two characters talking despite the timing of the shot i cropped the length so it looked as if it was playing in real time.

180 degree rule

180 degree rule is an imaginary line that goes across the floor and wall, which is the boundary for the camera. it would confuse the viewer if there was a over the shoulder shot with a door on the left then the camera changed shoulder and the door vanished. so it would make sense to have the shot on the same shoulder. to achieve maximum impact.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

media studies_ target audience_Edward Fawcett

I believe that this character closely resembles the teenage generation. An example of this would be that he goes on social networking sites i.e. facebook, watches videos on facebook, uses gaming consoles such as the Xbox 360. He also visits his local pub as a regular on sundays, as all his other days he spends at his dad's or doing work at college, he loves to listen to music either from you tube or his CD's he buys in H.M.V with his money which he gets from the college EMA system. He is usually found with a mate or two listening to music or just having a drink in the pub whilst watching the new box office films. The music he listens to most would be the Gorillaz, he usually dresses casually in jeans and a shirt he found crumpled on his bedroom floor.

Thursday 7 October 2010

find your tribe


created by c4 research agencies crowd DNA and voodoo, this site offers you a chance to complete an interactive quiz (yay) which asks you questions about your tastes on
-at the end defining which club you belong to: in my class there were
Clubbers - 2
Townies - 2
Rahs - 1
Chavs - 1
Sports junkie - 1
Blingers - 1
DIYers - 1
Indie kids - 1
Skaters - 1
Scene kids - 1 (me)

I personally believe that this is totally and completely wrong and has absolutely nothing to do with me. for example I have never bought hair spray and i don't change my hair style every day to prove that I am me. However i do love mosh pits and listening to heavy metal but Im not a fussy person as long as its not pop rubbish. Moreover I do think that the questions really had an impact on the result of the outcome.

I would finally like to state that overall I enjoyed this task and was to be honest quite shocked about the result, however the initial task was rather interesting and if i would do it again i would defiantly chose different answers.