Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Session 3

Today Ash and I discussed locations for our last scene, well at least I think we did, to be honest Im not quite sure what we are doing now, Im getting random actors coming up to me and saying what time are we filming, I don't even know what were doing. So far we have asked the drama department if we could borrow the hall from 1:50 to 2:35.

However my partner has decided to change it so that were filming somewhere else and then we go looking for the actors that Ash had apparently asked to meet up in the hall, so then we go storming round 'C' block looking for the actors of which we only found two (Jake Hatter and Naomi), Ash then decided to wait in the 'C' block corridor for no apparent reason. After this we then decided to walk back down to G19.

Although today wasn't a complete waste of time as Steve then showed usa building containing three rooms one being green (for super imposing) one black and one white. After this Steve then walked back to G19 and Ash and I then inspected each room looking what each room had to offer, I personally believe that we should use the dark room, for the interrogation scene as I think that this as the best atmosphere if we covered the sliding door with some black bin liner or something. However Im sure that Ash has other ideas.

Moreover we still haven't even started filming yet, as to why i can only assume that we, well Id be lying if I gave you a reason, but Im sure there is one I am just not in any mood to start to ponder why it has taken such a long time to start what i originally thought was going to be a rather simple film.

I am sorry if you are reading this Ash but we need to start to work and Im sure you going to give me a rather convincing reason as to why but just jive me a break here ok Im trying my best and although it seems like Im just messing around I am trying. if you have read this far well done and thanks for understanding :)
This is the White room

This is the green room

And this (yer you guessed it) is the black room

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