Thursday, 31 March 2011

Session 13

We are continuing with some other movie storm things, since Ash has watched our film and decided to make some changes. Like editing the old lady's facial expression so she looks angry when she is brandishing her shotgun. We have also filled out our lesson plan for the coming weeks, so we know what we are supposed to be doing each day of the week. This would help compared to last time where we just made it up on the spot.

We have also modified our character sequences so they flow better and make more sense. Below is an image of how we added some motions to our characters.

Session 12

Finally got the filming and most of the editing done, we continued on through to the free period though, but at least we are ahead of the group. Tom and I have been working non stop from 9.00 to 12.12 so thats quite a lot done in three hours and twelve minuets. We have also completed the story boarding sheets and competed the filming and editing process of our final film. There is only some finishing touches to be done and some extra written work to fill in the gaps, such as voice recording.

But on the whole we have basically finished our film YAY.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Session 10 and 11

We finally combined the location on movie storm with Tom's characters. As shown below. We achieved this by, saving Tom characters to Steve's flash drive, then imported them to movie storm, via finder. Then they were added to the stock.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Movie storm session 7 and 8

Today we started story boarding and finished our shot lists, which took up most of the lesson time, leaving little room for other activities, such as this blog post and adding detail to our immaculate key frame postit notes, I have also included an image of our story board, complete with fully detailed and accurate drawings of what will (hopefully) happen in our story.
I have also added two alternate ending notes overleaf, as we each had different ideas as to how our story should end.
The left note is of the old lady, going back indoors after blasting all the police.
The right note is of the old lady, smiling into the camera and then, the film ends.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Movie storm session 6

The key frame grid:
This sheet will basically carry our main shots in the movie. with postit notes on top, so that we can replace or change anything that we want to.

We shared the responsibility if making the postit notes. One person would draw them and the other would then go over it in black pen, to make sure that the pencil wouldn't rub off. While
one person was going over the note in pen, the other would then be starting to draw the next key frame. You may remember this process for when we did the 'Hostage' film, as it is the exact same process.

Movie storm session 4 and 5

This session is about making a 'Proposal form' which is stating what our film is going to be called. Then adding a treatment which summaries:
- The key events
- Conveys a clear sense of the preposed story line
- Tells: Who, What, Where and When
- Has been written in the present tense
- With no running dialogue (unless it has been previously recorded)
- Should be roughly 3 paragraphs

The target audience: what is the age rating and who will want to watch your film?

What equipment will be needed:
Splitter cable.

What soft wear you should have installed on your computer:
Final cut.
Movie storm.

Movie storm session 2 and 3

Roles and planning production, was the subjects of todays lessons. As I have already described in an earlier post. However we did create a planning sheet for each section I.E the character sheet had all the information about the characters and their motives, whereas in the setting sheet there was images of the locations and what was going to happen there. There was also a screen play sheet with the script that the Director (Ash) composed.

Movie storm session 1

Firstly we formed into our groups, ours comprised of: Myself, Ash and Tom. We filled out a sheet about what each individual had to achieve and what we needed to do next lesson. Below Ihave included an image of the sheet that we were issued at the start of this Project.
We were also assigned each individual role in the group to play, For example I was the Setting manager and designer, Ash is the director and Tom is constructing and editing the characters in our film. Below is an image of the sheet we received, to write down our role in the group and how it would benefit the group as a whole.