Friday, 10 December 2010

Analysing a film poster part 2.

People: In this poster is an image of John Travolta who plays as Ryder, who is the leader of the hijackers. rather than playing a mercenary, he plays a former Wall Street "high roller" called Dennis Ford, who blames the city of New York and the mayor for causing him to stay in prison for 10 years, longer than the guilty plea of three years. Scott courted Travolta heavily for the actor's first action role in years, Travolta made 20 million dollars for his role. The role was originally illustrated by Robert Shaw in the 1974 film.

Design: the predominant image of John Trevolta suggest that he is a key character in the film and since he is also a highly paid actor. He plays the boss hijacker in the taking of Pelham 1,2,3. there is also images of a train which the viewer assumes is that of the train 1,2,3, and the city of New York which the film is based around, this is also a key feature since it is the city of New York that causes the hijacking as previously described in the earlier paragraph.

Colour: Is a dominant dark blue/ light grey and is very bland. However this enforces the seriousness of the poster as a more humorous poster would be glowing with vibrant colour such as reds, greens, light blue and in some cases yellow.

Title: The text is clearly displayed across the middle with a famous actors name across the top to attract any passers by or anyone who is looking at the poster to entice them to see the film, there is also the release date across the bottom of the poster so that the person can see when the film will be out either to tell his or hers friends about the film so the producers will get even more money from a larger audience.

Analysing a film poster part 1.

People: In this poster is a character named 'V' who is a masked anarchist who seeks to systematically kill the leaders of Norsefire, which is a fascist dictatorship governing a post-apocalyptic United Kingdom. He is an expert in the arts of explosives, karate, knife throwing, and computer hacking, and has a vast dictionary, cultural and philosophical intellect. 'V' is the lone survivor of an experiment in which four dozen prisoners were given injections of a compound named "Batch 5." The compound caused vast cellular anomalies that eventually killed all of the subjects apart from V, who developed advanced strength, reflexes, endurance, durability and pain tolerance. Throughout the film, V almost always wears his trademark Guy Fawkes mask which includes a shoulder-length wig of straight dark-brown hair and an outfit consisting of black gloves, tunic, trousers and boots with a long black cape. When V is not wearing the mask, his face is not visabl. When outside the Shadow Gallery (his home), he completes this ensemble with a circa-17th century conical hat . His weapons of choice are daggers, explosives and fear.

The film suggests that 'V' took his name from the Roman numeral "V", which was the number of the room he was held in during the experiment. At the end of the film he kills Creedys bodyguads so quickly that the don't have time to reload their guns, However some bullets do penetrate his amour and he stumbles back to Evey and dies in her arms. Evey then assumes V's identity and gives the original V a Viking funeral by placing him inside a bomb-laden train whose eventual destination is Downing street.

The character "V" is presented as somewhat of an anarchist in the darkness suggesting an intimidating atmosphere. since he has two blades in his hands this implies that he is a masked killer, with lethal accuracy.

Design: We can see 'V' standing alone as if to look back at the person looking at the poster, this creates an illusion that he will come out of the poster and get you which evokes some emotions like fear and excitement. There is also an element of danger as 'V' is seen with two daggers which he an use to lethal accuracy.

Colour: There is a good combination between the black and red. However the red text does stand out and catch the viewers eye, there is also a quote from the film "People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people." which makes the person stop and think about the film, of what it will include.

Title: The title is in red across the bottom of the poster with 'V's signature in the background. The title is clear and easy to read as it is in red which is the boldest colour on the poster. It is also all in capitals to draw the attention towards the letter V since that is the running name for the character also for the cell door he was in, it also stands for vendetta as the title suggests.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Mini film storyboards and text.

In this story board you can see the hostage being interrogated, whom then reveals the location of the safe/vault, then is executed by one of the captors, the clip ends with the camera close up of the hostages face as you can see in shot 6.

This storyboard follows on from the first one with the body of the hostage falling to the ground, then the camera cutting to footsteps going up stairs, which in turn cuts to the help desk, in which the gun fight takes place between the captors and the security guards, after the captors have killed the guards, they get a hostage and question him/her about the location of the safe/vault, during shot 12 the captors have found the safe/vault and are getting the combinations of the lock .

This is the 3rd story board which includes a reaction shot of the captors upon opening the safe/vault door which then cut to a point of view shot form the safe, then to a canted angle where a wounded guard pushes the silent alarm button, immediately after this the captor sees the guard on the way out and executes him, this hen leads into an establishing shot of the empty room, then to the close up shot of the two captors saying "Hurry up" in shot 18 .

Here only two shots are visible, as these are the last two shots in the film, the first shot being of the safe/vault door closing from a point of view shot. which leads straight into blackness as the door of the safe/vault is closed, the audience will then (hopefully) hear the captors going back down the stairs, whilst the audience can only hear rather than see making them use their sense of hearing rather than the sense of sight, I believe that this will also keep the audience in a state of suspense as they are left wondering what has happened and what will happen.

Monday, 6 December 2010

what we did during last weeks lesson part 5

This shot is similar to the previous post. However this is again a work in progress stage where i had literally just finished cutting out the photo copy of the postit story board and had started to discuss where we would place the key frames, also to decide what and where the shots that would fill the gaps in the middle of the key frames would be placed, also what the shot type, camera angle and dialog should be.

what we did during last weeks lesson part 3

This image is similar to the previous post however this is the work in progress stage, where myself and Ash are in the initial stage of editing our written stage buy cutting out a photo copy of the postit storyboard to re-assemble and move key frames around, Ash is in the beginning stage like myself of going over everything on the storyboard in pen, as to make the images and text stand out.

what we did during last weeks lesson part 2

Here you can see Ash editing our postit cards by going over them in pen to make them stand out further also to make the text and highlight images to make them much bolder and easier to see. Furthermore you can see myself cutting out our original storyboard as to choose where these key frames would be placed

what we did during last weeks lesson part 1

In this image you can see myself and Ash constructing and cutting out story boards. which we will use in the later stages of the filming process.

what we did during last weeks lesson part 4

This is an image of myself and Ash sorting out the key frames as to where in the story board they should go, as you can see they have been cut out to enable myself or Ash to move them to where we best believe them to be placed, Ash is currently righting up a neat version with other shots that we will be including in-between the key frames.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

mood board :p

This is my mood board for the Action and thriller mini film we shall be doing. I have included some images of hostages, guns, money and interrogation rooms as these will be common sights in our film, I have also included an image of a safe/vault door, since we are going to be basing our film around robbing a safe, to get the documents/money/diamonds/whatever else I can think of. I have incorporated the interrogation stills because at the start of our film a character is actually being held hostage and being interrogated. I have also gone for some weapon stills for the desired impact to show the viewer that these robber's are the professionals and not your every day thief.